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Been there.. Done that

We so DID Goa. 9 people,1 much abused digi-cam and a very gianormus red bag.

That's the tag -line of the movie we'll make if someone leaves us a very large stash of cash and a beach villa.

Its been three weeks and I still find myself drifting into happy daydreams of waves and sand. I was all keyed up to blog the crap out of the whole trip, but like duh, I'm waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too lazy for that kind of prompt action :D

I don't know if i should go into all those little details of exactly where we went, what we did-ate- loved-were awed by-and still miss with a weird sort of longing. I understand that its very anal to do so and bug people.

Here's a random sampling of things that we'll totally stress upon if the movie ever gets made. Don't expect this to make any sense at all. you had to be there to feel the vibes.

List of must have scenes:
1. Kotecha and his song, complete with astonished people craning their necks and staring in disbeilef.

2.A game of bluff with 3 cards in Tyrant's hand and him spouting those immortal words "Hey guys, I'm on fire".

3. Mumbai to Goa, Konkan express, with all of us sitting on the footboards, waiting endlessly for Tivim station.

4. That ugly little dhaba, with amazing food, the grossest tables on the planet and half dressed patrons with ugly beer bellies.

5. 3 bikes and an Activa zooming across tiny picturesque roads with coconut trees dotting the sides. Maybe an impromptu cat fight about who gets to sit behind Deng-Deng(ok Deng, this is blatant flattery. I accept 5 Star crunchies as payment)

6.Getting lost. Over and over again.

7. Kotecha in the water. Kotecha playing on the sand. Having Fun as always.

8. A long table spread in the sand with all of us pigging out while eyeing stray bikini clad women. Bliss!!!

9. Trying to crack crabs with baby pliers.

10. Listening to Phir Dekhiye with your legs dangling over the wall of a fort with the most breathtaking veiw you've ever seen in all 19 years of your puny little existance.

11. Doing it again the next day because we were all so over-awed.

12. The sword of the Mighty Tyrant!! The sword that felled and sucked while doing it!! All hail the mighty Tyrant!!!!

13. Bumming around on the beach till 4 am. Add two miffed cops to the scene. Human drama at its best. This scene will be very blurred since I was way to sleepy to register the actual sequence of events.

14. Balu :)

I know I should have done this earlier and got every little thing down. Remember grinning like crazy for a whole day after I got back. Bits of me are still very hungover from the whole deal. I hope this becomes an annual ritual *fingers and toes crossed*


William Deng-Deng K. said...
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William Deng-Deng K. said...

wanna go back! :( and yes. u'll get ur 5 star crunchies. :-P lol. awesome! the blog has an aahhsome aura around it. why arent we there? f! why did we have to come back?? aaarrrgghhh! we should trip more often. blog on it some more na..

Aggie M said...

I'm moulding away here. End-sem is very crappy :(

Alaukik Kotecha said...

awesom :)
yaar, lets go back.........
hav blast, hav fun :p
nights on beaches, days on bikes, food with 2 hrs waitings n lots of fun with frnds, unplanned days, unplanned roads, unplanned venues n unplanned us.
so full of RPA...
:) :) :) :)
smiles r tooo not enough to express dat :) :)

Aggie M said...

i really miss the bikes :(
we are toatlly going back!!!

William Deng-Deng K. said...


Such! said...

new blog, n i dont even knw it!
blasphemous really!
but cute pics...
you've seen my goa pics rt? some of them are sooo identical, just different people..
Miss it bad..

Unknown said...

thou art this blog's godmother.
happy ??
to the rest of the world, muchi is my soulmate who also did goa.and came back shaken and stirred.